The vision of any line of work that falls into a trade is sometimes seen as a men’s job. Living in a new time, the dream is to have equal parts both men and women.

Skills Canada pei is helping to making that dream become a reality. The skills competition allows women to step out of their comfort zone and help find their passion for whatever trade it may be. It starts the clock to their future career. Not only does skills have the competition that gives out an amazing opportunity, they also have a program called “youth women’s build a skill” to allow younger girls explore different trades for a day. In hope that they will pursue a career in one of the male-dominated jobs on pei. That being said, the percentage rate of women working in the line of trades was only 3 percent as of January 2020. The vision skills along with many others have in mind for the future of trades won’t be easy to make a reality but, it’s not stopping them from trying.

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